New novel for a New World
Captain LoveScream and the High Seas Teens
Imagine your teen coming home with a book that inspires them to work hard to make the world a better place, not because they're afraid of all that could possibly go wrong, but because they see and feel all that could go right, especially as they pursue what they are most passionate about!
The era of dystopian novel fascination is going through a huge transformation; it's time to show our youth the beautiful, hopeful, emotionally intelligent, truly connective, and very possible utopian ways of living that deep inside we all want.
This is why I wrote "Captain LoveScream and the High Seas Teens."
It's time that our youth fill their minds with uplifting stories and characters who represent the type of people we want our children to look up to, the kind who we ourselves want in our society.
Plot: An alternative school for teens hosted by an ambitious single mom is called to the adventure of their lifetime. Through sailing around the world and setting up farm schools, performing interactive, circus-themed shows, growing food, and raising animals below deck, they lead a unifying “Revolujah” world movement during a time of overarching global government control over natural resources. How will such novice teens and their captain help so many struggling communities, or even survive, during times of extreme widespread corruption?
Are you ready to ride the revolutionary waves of positive change?
Do you know, or are you, a YA commercial fiction literary agent or publisher who is seeking a fresh, unconventional, epic novel to represent that can surely become a hit series and film?
Please contact Eleyah at (831)428-4003 or
Stay tuned! This radical journey will be released soon!
- Follow for updates: FB- Eleyah Knight, Tiktok- @Rebel.Mama.Legacy
​- Check out my talented, ever imaginative book art assistant, Jasmine Patalon: @mcjazzytattoo on Instagram.

The Story
Adventures in faraway lands, real-life skill building, performing with exotic animals, and sailing in a technologically advanced caravel ship; what more could a teen school possibly ask for to live their wildest dreams? How about run-ins with infamous pirates, creating with colorful cultures, growing their own food and herbal medicine below deck, or (unintentionally) becoming world famous?
The High Seas Teens are raising the tides of a unifying revolution everywhere they sail.
In an era of disconnection to natural ways of living, the widespread screen-ager phenomenon, and the disintegration of basic rights and responsibilities, Captain LoveScream and the Revolujah movement that she helps lead are providing a new way for education that truly builds solid societies.
This is the story our modern youth (and the eternally youthful) have been waiting for to fully embrace their destined roles as self-sufficient and connected stewards of our
ever-changing world.​​
Meet The crew
Miss Ley is destined to be the captain of the legendary ship, the LoveScream. She is a 36-year-old single mom and the host of the teen's nature-based school.
Canka is Ley’s 14-year-old son. He's sarcastic, witty, and a bit of a slacker.
Brayda is Ley’s 12-year-old daughter. She's loyal to her mom and is the narrator of the story (which she writes when she's 36). Always observing everything that's happening around her, she pays close attention to detail
Jim Gordon Youngblood is the 10-year-old nephew of Ley and cousin of Canka and Brayda. He's lively, brazenly speaks out, always wants to join in on the fun with the teens, and travels alongside the LoveScream crew with his family, the Wandering Youngbloods, in their ship the Honey Badger.
Ryder Ortega is a 16-year-old Puerto Rican boy. He's a poet, rapper, and quintessential independent rebel.
Avon Darby is a 13-year-old boy and the wild child of the team. Obsessed with fitness and bulking up, he tends to be overly confident, getting himself in risky situations quite often.
Miron Valour is a 17-year-old boy who's considered the “brains” of the operation. With a “director” role among the teens, he's meticulous and excels at technical details. He also helps work out the logical details of every mission.
Nalene Barrons is a realistic, level-headed, yet impulsive and artistic 15-year-old girl who loves performing. She dreams of starting a multi-functional performing group.
Argos Dillensworth is the 13-year-old young MacGyver of the crew who is always make-shifting new creations that gradually become more practical. As the jack of all trades, he fixes mechanical issues, creates and upgrades tools, and always wears a utility belt.
Quill Rylett is a 13-year-old girl, a creative artist, and runs a small farm with her family. She loves palling around with Avon and making adventure videos for her YouTube channel.
Kahzu Ha is a 16-year-old Chinese-American boy. He is the tallest, bravest, and longest-haired of the bunch and loves skating, parkour, and pranking.
Winnawah (Winna) Gaynes is a 14-year-old Native American girl who is always asking questions about how everything works and loves learning about the world.
Elliow Nagritty is somewhat of a mystery to the team. This 11 year old boy is the shyest and most quiet student of the group.
Arataki Chemoa is a gentle, 15-year-old boy from England who is easy going and mellow and loves taking care of animals.