Five Elements Fun

Qualities: Stomach, Worry, Confidence, Yellow, Late Summer, Sweet
Signs of Imbalance: poor appetite, weak muscles, tiredness, foggy-headed, obsessive thoughts, toothmarks on tongue
How You Can Support Your Earth Element: eat simple, easily digestible whole (unpackaged) foods, do activities that build self- esteem, eat while relaxed, do relaxing activities before bed, connect to the Earth through gardening and playing in nature, care for others, be supportive
Qualities: Kidneys, Fear, Will-Power, Blue, Winter, Salty
Signs of Imbalance: body fluid issues, growth and development problems, feeling ungrounded/spacey, weak bones, low back pain
How You Can Support Your Water Element:
Rest when needed, stay hydrated and well- mineralized, avoid caffeiene and alcohol, exercise in nature, be near running water, reflect on yourself and life, adapt to changes
Qualities: Lungs, Sadness, Inspiration, White, Fall, Spicy
Signs of Imbalance: depression, skin break-outs, dryness, sinus congestion, constipation, breathing issues
How You Can Support Your Metal Element: Let go of what's not needed, be open to receive new things, eat moistening foods, avoid dairy, keep organized
Qualities: Heart, Anxiety, Joy, Red, Summer, Bitter
Signs of Imbalance: mental health concerns, social challenges, difficult communication, poor memory, cold hands and feet, weak blood vessels, bloating, abdominal cramps, overly excited
How You Can Support Your Fire Element: be in a supportive community, find helpful ways of expressing emotions, hold integrity in relationships (be who you say
you are), learn what helps bring calmness
Qualities: Liver, Anger, Creativity, Green, Spring, Sour
Signs of Imbalance: easily angered or stressed, painful or difficult movement, tendon weakness, toxic conditions, hormonal disruptions
How You Can Support Your Wood Element: use creativity to solve problems, find inspiration, avoid hormone disruptors in many products and food, keep blood moving/be active daily